Monday, December 17, 2007

New Job

Tomorrow is the start of my new job. I'm sure it will be quite simple and not much different than my everyday doings, but I'm still a little anxious. I haven't worked outside the home for 7 years. I am faithful that all will be well.

Logan woke up from a nap this afternoon with a fever. My friend Lori is suppose to give a sister in our ward a massage tomorrow, but she said if I need her to watch Logan so I can go to work she'll reschedule it. She is such a blessing to us. She is single so it is much easier to call on her to watch a sick or well child than it is to call on friends with children of their own. I don't want to call in on my first day. Not a very good impression.

I hope everyone had a good weekend. We went to a wedding in Willard MO. It was decorated for Christmas. It was really nice.

I better get some sleep.


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Let it ice, Let it Ice, Let it Ice

We had about an inch of ice fall in a 36 hour period starting late Sat. night and ending on Monday. Church was canceled Sunday. We haven't had school at all this week and it is closed tomorrow too. We have been part of the fortunate few who have not lost power. We say a prayer of thanks for that everyday and pray for the thousands still without power. Joplin looks like a war zone. There are so many broken trees. It is so sad. We have been blessed to help the Missionaries even more than normal this week. We had 4 missionaries here on Tues. morning to shower and fed them breakfast. Lori and I also did their laundry. I am so greatful to help in such a simple task. It has been a blessing.

I've gotten a little stressed out with all of our children home, plus extras. I am so glad that we've been able to do it in warmth.

I start my new job on the 18th. It is very part time. About 6 hours a week. It should work well with our family schedule.

Bruce needs on the computer. Gotta run.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

A Ladies Man in the Making

Yesterday we had a family outing to see the Henan Singing and Dance Troup from China. They performed for free at MSSU. It was a very enjoyable show, but what I enjoyed the most was my son. Logan is often very shy around strangers who try to talk to him and such. Well, last night he was getting a little roudy and he bumped his back so I took him out of the auditorium. It was just before the intermission, several of the female performers were out in the hall with their cameras. The main vocalist came over and put out her arms to take Logan. He went with her and her friends too several pictures of the two. She even had him kiss her on the cheek and he did it. Then 4 more girls took turns passing him around and taking pictures with him. It was so funny. I just stood there and kept chuckling.

For the second half of the show I was able to distract him when his "pretty girls" came up on the stage. What an evening.

Joy's Concert

Joy had her first and last concert of the school year. She did really well. All of them did. She looked so grown up. We thought there would be a spring concert, but I've heard with schedules during that time of year it is too difficult. Joy is disappointed about that. She has really enjoyed it.

Tomorrow they go on a tour of 5 schools to perform. They also get to eat out at CI Ci's. She's very excited about getting to eat as much as she wants. I told her not to go over board or it would be hard to sing after lunch. She doesn't believe me. Oh, well.

I guess that is all on that subject.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Thanksgiving and the hectic morning after

Hello. I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. We had a nice visit with our guest. It was a lot of work, but everything turned out pretty well. We did use a new brine recipe for the Turkey and the Turkey was way too salty, but all in all it was fine. We played Monopoly and Life yesterday. Last night I did clean up while the kids watched Incredibles and Dodge Ball on and off. I went to bed at 9pm so I could get up at 4am and going catch the "worm" at Wal-mart. I got close to $120 worth in gifts, but I only spent $76. All of our shopping is done except for a movie that Joy wants that comes out Dec. 11th. Bruce and I need to shop for each other still too. Wal-mart was very busy, but most people were very polite. Have a great weekend.


Monday, November 19, 2007

Same old, same old

Not a whole lot going on around here. Patience is better. Joy is suffering from a cold/allergies. Logan and Aurora are also doing better. We didn't do a whole lot this last weekend. We did have family photos taken. I'll try to post them as soon as I get them. 3 families, including ours, met in a local park and took turns taking pictures of each others families. Bro. Bliss will burn it to disc, then we can print them from that. I think we got some good ones.

Joy is being recognized tomorrow at an Academic Allstars Night. It is for children who go an average or above average score on the MAP test last year. We are having Thanksgiving here this year. I think I now have everything we need.

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!!!!

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Sick kids again

Patience and Logan are ill. Logan has a cold and low grade fever, but Patience has pneumonia. She's on an antibiotic. Hopefully she'll be back to school tomorrow. She has a field trip on Thurs, so she's really hoping to be better. Please pray for her.

Funny Logan

On Sunday we were driving to church and Aurora said her back hurt. I asked her why and she said because of the bow on her dress. I told her we would fix it at church. Logan then said, "I have a bow." Aurora said, "No you don't." He said, "Yes I do, its' right here." He proceeded to point at his elbow. We got a kick out of that. I hope you do too.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Wu Man and Friends

Last night Bruce and I had the opportunity to go see a concert for free at the college. Sister Vance babysat. It was a very fun evening. We saw some instruments that we didn't even know exsisted. We heard music from China, Africa and an American from North Carolina that played indian music and folk type music. It was all very interesting.

Our friend, Matt, came down for the evening as well.

That's about all.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Good News Moment

Every Sunday in Relief Society we are given the opportunity to share a "good news moment." I had bad medicine head going on at church Sunday that I neglected to share my moment. So, here goes.

Jesse, Bruce's youngest brother called on Friday night. He said I need to keep Bruce from going to the World Wide Dungeons and Dragons day this coming Saturday so we could be in Spfld. at 2pm. I asked why and he said so we could be at Becca's baptism. I was shocked and thrilled. They have been together for 4 years and married for 2. She was born and raised Catholic. I have yet to hear her conversion story, but I guess she has been taking Missionary lessons since May. We are so pleased.

Aurora is continuing to improve. She still has a cough, but is getting her appetite back. She had lost 2 pounds between our last two doctor visits. I'm not sure if she has lost any more. We all went as a family to the annual Trunk or Treat and Chili cook off on Saturday. It was really fun. I also had a Stake R.S. training that morning. It was a busy day.

I've read two novels in the last 3 weeks. One I was able to finish in less than a week. It is called, "Children of the Promise," by Dean Hughes. It is about and LDS family and there struggles during World War II. It is a quick read. However, I find myself no always devoting as much time to Non-fiction as I should.

I haven't gotten as ill as Aurora, but I am having a tough time. I think it is a combination of allergies and a head and chest cold.

Anyway, two more days to Halloween. We are going trick or treating with the children at the mall. Also, Bruce and I have a date planned on Thurs. Matt may be coming down. We'll see.

Take care.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Aurora, an update

Hello all.

Aurora is doing much better, but still home from school. I sent her yesterday and it really wore her out. Her fever is much lower. It is haning in there around 99.6-100.1. She said her ears feel better. She does still have a pretty deep cough.

I'm feeling very run down. I have a little cough, but mine is more from drainage in my throat.

Last night was Enrichment. Our meeting on budgeting and finances. It went really well. I do feel like it would be nice to have an Enrichment leader so it's not all on me. I did have the help of several sisters and so I am blessed for that. Honestly, it probably wouldn't matter how many people I have to help me, there is always the pressure of presenting a good program and having everything come together as well as you have pictured it in your mind.

Anyway, I hope this week has found you healthy and happy.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Double ears and "guncky" lungs

I took Aurora back to the doctor today because her fever has persisted for 8 days. She said she has an infection in both ears and guncky lungs. I asked her if she was leaning toward pnemonia. I know I didn't spell that right and my spell check doesn't work, but I think you got the point. She said she was. She gave her Augmentin which is an antibiotic. Twice a day for a week. The fever seems to be staying down better already. I'm hopin she'll be able to go to school on Wednesday.

We are looking forward to the annual trunk or treat at church. It is this Saturday. I still am not sure what I want to go as, but it will come.

Otherwise all is well.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Sorry, sick kid


This week has gotten away from me. There isn't too much to tell. Aurora has been running a fairly high temp since Sunday night. Anywhere from 101 to as high as 104. Bruce and Luis gave her a priesthood blessing on Monday night, but it just has to run its course. When I took her to the doctor on Monday she said it is a viral infection which means there is really nothing they can give her. Treat the fever and push the fluids. She has remained in good spirits. For as active as she normally is she is taking it well. She has been behaving well too. I do believe we have played just about every game we own and we've read and watched movies too.

I went to parent teacher conference last night. Aurora is right where she needs to be. Patience has strait A's and Joy has all A's and one B's. We are very pleased with all of them. Logan is counting really well and showing interest in letters. I need to commit to doing more with him.

Well, I guess that is all for now.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007


Last weeks dessert in the park activity was cancelled due to storms. We went to the library instead. They showed some children's halloween movies. Our neighbor Stephanie went with us. She is expecting her first child. She's very excited.

Saturday was a crazy day for me. Lori called around 7:45am and woke me up. She was having severe dizzyness. She was on the floor and couldn't get up. I went right over. I have a key, so I let myself in. This has happened once before. She has eardrops she uses when this happens. It is normally associated with her hearing loss. I put in the eardrops, but it didn't help. Normally she can get up after the drops have been in for a few minutes. Instead of feeling better she seemed to get worse. She started vomitting. I got Bruce and Brother Vance and they gave her a priesthood blessing. They left and I stayed with her for about an hour. When I left around 10am she was feeling much better. On her feet and walking. We had called Sister Higginson during all the goings on to see if she would come and clean Lori's ears out. She is the "Herb Lady." Lori relys on her quite a bit. She said she would come over before the first session of conference.

I got a call from her around 11:30am saying Lori was in her bed and couldn't roll over without the room totally spinning. I went back over. We decided that she needed to see a doctor. We weren't sure we could get her out of the house because she was so dizzy. We started calling all the doctors we could think of in the stake. Bishop Johnson called back and said we should try to get her to urgent care. There is one just down the road. I borrowed a wheel chair from a neighbor and we managed to get her up and out of the house. Becky took her to urgent care. She was diagnosed with a sinus infection and vertigo. They gave her medicine and she is doing better now. She's just going to have to listen to her body more I guess.

We went to the church for the Sunday morning session. I really enjoyed President Eyring's talk. I don't think I spelled that right. Afterwards we went to Julie and Luis's for lunch. She made a good lasagna. We started to watch the second session, but Aurora was really cranky. We came home and she slept for an hour. Mom says we missed a good talk by Dalon H. Oaks. I look forward to reading it.

I took Joy to therapy last night. We, the therapist, Bruce and Myself, have decided to try medication. I hope it will help even her emotions so that she is easier to reason with. I think Patience is also having some depression and anxiety. Probably, anxiety more than anything.

It is my "big" shop day. I better get it done. I'm going out to lunch with some of the ladies from church to celebrate Laurie Bliss's birthday.

Have a good day.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Wow, a new month

September seemed to go fast. Time usually does for me when the children are in school. We got Aurora's school picture back yesterday. She looks very cute, but they put her in front of the wrong background color. Oh, well. Business as usual around here. I've been doing a lot of crafts for pay for a friend at church. It's been fun. She is very creative and good to work with. We are suppose to go to a dessert in the park activity for Patience's gifted program. It was canceled last week because of rain. There is a 50/50 chance for rain and storms tonight too. We'll see what happens. I think I will make some cinnamon rolls just in case. I'm sure Bruce wouldn't mind having some tomorrow for breakfast if we don't get to go tonight. I better get off here. Sierra should be here soon for me to babysit.

I hope all is well in your part of the world.

Monday, September 24, 2007

I forgot, a funny story

The other night Aurora was fighting going to bed. I had told her to come lay in our bed while I checked my e-mail. Sometimes she goes to sleep faster when she is not in the same room as her sisters. She had her stuffed duck with her and asked if I could sew hair on her duck in the colors of the rainbow. I told her I didn't think I could. She was quiet for a moment then she said, "Jesus sewed our hair in all different colors." She said it in all seriousness. I told her she was right and she settled down after that.

I thought it was charming.

Catching UP, Again

It seems like I'm often playing catch up. Well, last week was pretty normal. Baby sitting, school, choir, etc. Aurora did miss Wednesday from school because she something viral going on in her eye. It was goopy and runny. She was given eye drops and went to school the next day. There was no school for anyone on Friday. We ran errands and played over at the Pagan's for a while. That is always fun. Julie was a sweetie and made me some blueberry muffins, just because I had mentioned a few days earlier I hadn't had any for a few months. She is a very special friend and person.

Saturday we went to Silver Dollar City with Holly, Todd and his girls. We had a really good time. They were already putting up Christmas lights for the Christmas festival. I'm really looking forward to that one.

I have to go get Patience in a little while and take her to the dentist. One of her caps fell off so we have to get it repaired.

Logan is doing really well with his potty training. No accidents in the day time for a week. He even slept in underwear last night. What a BIG boy.

There's not much else to tell. Take care.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Catching up

Just a quick catch up. Joy's first rehearsal went well. She came home a little scratchy in the throat. There is a girl from her class at school that is also in the choir. They live here in the complex, so I am going to start taking the girls and Kerri will pick them up. It should work out well for both of us. My Mom came down on Friday afternoon and spent the night. She went to our ward building clean up on Sat. morning. I tried out a new recipe for a cheesy potato and ham soup that went over well. The missionaries were here at lunch time coordinating with Bruce, so they ate with us. It is always a pleasure to have them in our home. Oh, I forgot, we had 4 missionaries to dinner on Thurs. Elder King and Elder Smith, who served here a few months back were in the area. They are asssistants to the Mission President. It was nice to see them again. Saturday afternoon, Bruce spoke at the Priesthood leadership meeting. I read his talk. It was very well writen. He definetly had the Spirit guiding him.

Bruce and I were able to attend the adult session together. The oldest of the Bishop's three daughters babysat for us. It went well for her and we enjoyed the conference.

Matt came to the Sunday session and heard the girls and I sing in the Stake choir. We always enjoy his company.

I've got to get the girls in for scripture study and bed.

Monday, September 10, 2007


I have been thinking a little the last few days which season I like the most. Honestly I like them all. I really enjoy living in an area that experiences all the changes of the seasons. However, if I had to pick a favorite it would be fall. Today the temperature has dropped significantly. Our windows are open and a good flow of air is going through the house. I like the freshness that brings. It is so relaxing. Some of the trees in the complex already have a few red leaves. I look forward to the changing of the leaves. Fall brings with it the exciting anticipation of the upcoming holiday season. I enjoy it all. I love the memories we make at area festivals and the picking out of Halloween costumes. It is all so much fun. I hope we all have a wonderful fall.

Friday, September 7, 2007

She got it!!!!!

Joy came home from school today very excited. About 3 weeks ago she tried out for her music teacher at her school to be in the "All City Singers" Choir. She passed her teachers test and about 10 days ago she went in front of the choir directors and pianist. She had to sing the National Anthemn. She found out today that she made the cut. She was 1 of 3 chosen out of the 70 fourth and fifth graders at her school. We are very pleased. She has a very robust voice and with training I know she will go far with the talent she has been blessed with. She starts having rehearsals every Tues. from 3:30-5:00pm. On Dec. 4th at 7:00pm she will have a performance at MSSU. Mark your calendars, we would love for any and all able to be there to join us.

Best wishes for a great weekend.

Swinging in the Dark

So, this morning I got up at 5:45am to go on my walk. I walked around the complex once. I was very enthrawled with the dark clouds and far off burst of lightening. I came back around to the playground. I swang for a few minutes, feeling very at peace. Then I layed down on the concrete of the basketball court and just looked up. It is rather odd to watch clouds move in the dark. Rather sureal. It was nice laying there conversing with my Heavenly Father. I am so blessed to be living here in the complex and to be safe and protected from the elements.

I know that was rather random, but I wanted to share it just the same. It was one of those "stop and smell the roses" kind of moments. I apologize for my spelling. I can't seem to get the spell check to work on this.

We were going to go to Silver Dollar City tomorrow, but there is a 60% chance of severe weather, so we are going to try again on the 22nd of the month. We are suppose to go with Holly, Todd, and the girls. We do look forward to it. The local Nature Center opens tomorrow. Maybe the weather will hold out long enough for us to participate in that. Have a wonderful weekend.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Fun in Springfield

Hello, I hope you all had a great holiday weekend. We had some nice visits with family and friends. We went to Springfield on Sunday. We went to church at the Springfield 3rd Ward with our good friend, Matthew Towns. It was fun seeing people that I grew up with. I especially enjoyed seeing Minnie and Bill Hull. She was one of my Young Women's presidents as a youth. I also saw Stacy Laney who was also a YW Pres. I was disappointed to not see the Forsyth's, but it was still great to be there. We didn't get to visit too much with Matt though, it was church after all. Afterwards we went to Jesse and Becca's. We got to see 3 of Bruce's 4 siblings. We hadn't seen Heather since Christmas, so it was a pleasure to see her. Carl was also there from Las Vegas. He's looking into buying a house. We would love to see him move back here. Anyway, we had some authentic Mexican dishes that Jesse learned how to make while serving in Mexico City on his mission a few years back. Yesterday we went to the Pagan's for dinner and a birthday party for Lily. We had a lot of fun. Julie's family were there and the Webb's. We use to be in the same ward as the Webb's. They are now in Arkansas. It was just a very pleasant weekend. We also walked the mall yesterday and I was able to get a pair of "Croc" flip-flops for $15. That is half off the norm. I was pleased. They are turquoise. Bright, but very comfortable. Anyway, I have one child in the tub and three outside I need to get ready for bed. Take care.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Good Weekend

Bruce and I had a very pleasant day at the Oklahoma City Temple on Saturday. It was very peaceful. We've needed that recently. I don't know if our children have been really tired, or what, but they are not using their "inside voices" like they should. It was also a wonderful surprise to see the a former Bishop, Bro. Steve Rone and his wife Sharon. They are currently serving a mission for the church in Arkansas. They will be going home to Spfld, in 6 weeks. It was so nice to see them. They have a special place in our hearts. Steve gave all of Bruce and his siblings their baby blessings. They are wonderful people.

Today has been a busy day. I went on visits this morning with Sis. Bliss, then I babysat, then Joy had auditions for the school's All City Singers choir, then I had PTO, then I had bedtime and dishes to do. Days like today can be strenuous, but also very fulfilling.

I do need to get some sleep, though. Good night all.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Back in School!

Wow, the summer went very fast. Well, there were days that it seemed like it would never end, but now it seems odd that it is over. Aurora is loving it. When she got home the first day I asked her if she liked her teacher, Mrs. Olds. She said, "She is so Kind." I thought that was really sweet. Joy said her teacher talks too much. Patience had a really good time. They had a "snowball" fight. They wrote some things descrbing themselves on a piece of white paper. They then crumpled it and threw it at each other. When they caught one they would read it. I think Joy is going to learn more responsibility this year. Today was the first day for homework. Their were very few days when she had it last year. I think it will be pretty regular this year. They are also expected to read 20 minutes every night and practice their 25 spelling words.

Bruce turned 33 yesterday. We celebrated with his parents on Saturday. They took us all out to a steak house and bought him a Dairy Queen Ice Cream cake. It is his favorite. It was a busy day, but a really nice visit.

Logan is officially taking to potty training. Last Wed. when the girls went to school I started him in underwear. We had a few days of 3 going and 4 accidents. Then it got better from there. He had no potty accidents yesterday. I think he is afraid to do his "business" in the toilet. He keeps having those kinds of accidents. We are very excited with his progress. He's even pretty good about going on his own without being asked. He is growing up so fast. He wants to do most things for himself. He'll always be my baby, but he's no longer a baby baby. Anyway, I hope that makes sense.

I better get to studying the scriptures. That was my main reason for getting on the net tonight. I find it so helpful to search the scriptures by catagory on Anyway, I hope all is well in your part of the world.


Friday, August 10, 2007

We won

I forgot to say something in my last post. The cabin I was in won the water ballet contest. There is a story there, but I don't think I could do it justice in writing. Feel free to ask me to tell it sometime.

Girl's Camp!

Hello Everyone. Camp was a wonderful experience. It is different as a leader than as a youth. I got pretty worn out. The theme was, "There's no Place like Camp." It was all centered around the Wizard of Oz. We had four different classes that related the Gospel back to things that happened in the movie. For example, in the Dorothy class clips from the movie were shown and then discussed. Especially avoiding the "flying monkeys" of the world. For the Lion class we talked about people in church history and scriptural history who showed courage. On the last night, Sister Dianne Alphin from the Joplin Stake wrote a program. We followed the "yellow brick road," several long plastic yellow table clothes on the sidewalk, stopping at different charecters who talked about the Gospel, til we got to the "Emerald City" which actually was the amphitheatre where they had a slide show of pictures of all the Temples going with different versions of Somewhere Over the Rainbow playing in the back ground. Then, the "prophet of Oz," spoke on setting a goal toward going to the temple and bore his testimony. We also had a uplifting testimony meeting on Friday morning.

All in all it was a great week. I kept my pedometer on all week. I walked just under 50 miles. You would think I would have lost a lot of weight, but they fed us very well. One thing that the menu lacked was fresh fruit. I spoke to the Bishop's wife Friday morning to see if he was going home before he came out to the camp for the night program. I told her we were craving fresh fruit. She said he wasn't going home. I told her, oh well, we only have one more day. She called him at work and he brought out fresh strawberries, grapes, and oranges, all in ice water in a cooler. It was a great surprise. That was probably the best tasting orange I had ever eaten. It was fun to have him and his first counselor, Brother Tucker there for the evening. Bishop also gave a good devotional. I was so impressed all week with the girls from our ward. Everyone got along and was helpful and obedient to the rules and their leaders.

I hope I'll be able to go again, maybe when my girls are old enough.

Have a good weekend.

5 more days til school starts.


Monday, July 30, 2007

All set

Well, I just went a bought a couple of disposable cameras for camp. I think I am all set. I'll have to pack a sack lunch in the morning. All my big stuff is on it's way to camp with the YCL's. I took Joy and Patience to Jim and Debbie's on Saturday. I was able to see my sister briefly and borrow some Wizard of Oz stuff from her. I also saw Jim and Whitney, their son and another old friend from highschool, Chris Yeager. It was nice to see them all. I hadn't seen Chris in over 2 years. He and his wife are doing well in Columbia.

I don't have a whole lot to say. I've just been busy getting ready for camp.

Aurora did say something funny on Saturday. We were on the way back from Springfield and Bruce called. He had a question about my laundery. When I got off Aurora asked who it was and what I was talking about. I told her, "Daddy had a question about the laundry. He's doing the clothes today so I can pack when we get back." She responded, "Daddy is the maid now."

I got a good chuckle out of that.

Wish me luck with camp.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Released and Called

Well, I got a call Saturday morning asking me to meet with Bishop Mawby on Sunday morning at 8:30 before church. I went and he told me that they had prayed and felt like they had recieved confirmation for me to be in a new calling. I was released from my callings of Activities Leader and Primary Teacher. I was called as the Second Counselor in the Relief Society. I will be serving with Laurie Bliss and President and Monique Mawby as 1st Cons. I am humbled and excited. I held this position for a year five years ago. It was very difficult on my family at the time. Aurora was only a month old when I was called and I was babysitting too. I feel I learned a lot from that last experience and that it will be better this time. When school starts I still plan on getting a part-time job. The last Relief Society presidency, two of them worked full time. This time we are all stay at home mothers.

I am grateful to have the opportunity to do a better job this time around. I want to be a true support to our president. I respect her as a leader and most especially as a long time friend.

We had fun Saturday at the "Fun in the Sun" activity for primary. I actually did the slip and slide. It was about 100 feet long. It was fun, but very jarring. I am no longer 12, that's for sure. I made it all the way down and got my arms off the end. A running start and lathering up with baby shampoo.

We went and bought the start of the school supplies today. Only 23 days til' school starts. This will be odd to only have one at home. When they were in summer school I was still babysitting. What will be even more odd is if Logan get's into preschool.

I hope this finds everyone well and happy.

Take care,

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A fun afternoon

Hello All!

Bruce and I just got back from enjoying some time alone. We went and saw Harry Potter 5. It was very enjoyable. It is always a little hard for me to get past the differences between the books and the movies. Anyway, it was nice to be out.

Tomorrow is our Pioneer Celebration at church. I will be going in the morning to set up chairs. Saturday is the fun in the sun for the Primary children. Our children are looking forward to it.

I started the banner for camp, with the generous help of my friend, Laurie Bliss. She is very crafty. In fact she helps support her family by doing craft shows, especially in the fall. If you like holiday stuff, let me know and I'll get you in touch with her.

Julie and I went out last night and got some fun stuff to give to the girls at camp. I also came home with a pair of tennis shoes that were on clearance for $6.28. Yea! They will not be going to girls camp though. Hiking boots and flip flops only for me.

Well, I better dash. Julie is bringing her children over in 20 minutes for me to baby sit. I really appreciate having her to swap with.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another Calling

On Thursday we got a call from Brother Tucker. He spoke to Bruce first and asked him if he thought we could find childcare for all of the children for 5 days. Bruce told him he thought we could work something out. Then he asked to speak to me. Brother Tucker asked if I would go to girls camp as a leader this year. It is from July 31 to August 4th. I am very excited about it. I always enjoyed it when I was a young woman. For those of you who might not be familiar with our camp program, it is for girls ages 12-18. We have 10 girls going. I will actually be in a cabin with one other leader, two junior leaders, and 8 girls I've never met. In the past church units would cabin together. We have some units who only send 2 or 3 girls so now they are cabined by years. I will be with 2nd years. I am responsible for them. I will hike with them and do all activities with them. At night however, I will be in charge of doing a devotional with the girls from our ward.

The camp is located at the Lake of the Ozarks. It is a 3 hour drive. We will be carpooling up and back.

Joy and Patience are going to stay with Grandma VanHoose. Aurora is staying with our friend Julie and Logan is staying with the Bliss family. He's very excited. His best buddy, Max, is their 3 year old son. Bruce should be off at least 1 and possibly 2 days while I'm gone so he can get the little ones for a while.

I had a nice visit with my family on Friday. It was nice to see my Aunt Dorothy and her husband, Paul. Paul is 93 years old. He is getting quite frail. I was struck by a strong feeling when I hugged him goodbye, that it would be our last goodbye in this mortal life. It doesn't make me sad. He has had such a happy and meaningful life.

My mother and I had fun discussing our callings as Activities leaders. She is excited and a little anxious about where to go with the calling.

Our ward has a pioneer day celebration on Friday. Primary activity day is on Saturday. It is our annual water play day. The children look forward to it every year. I'll have to bring filled water balloons. They can also bring water guns, but we don't have any of those.

I better get to bed. Lori and I are walking at 7:00am tomorrow.

Good night all.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

A busy week

Hello Family and Friends-

Well, we had a fairly uneventful Saturday. We did have the privilege of going to a baptism. It was very nice. The children forgot to bring towels so they had to dry off with hand towels from the Relief Society Closet that were actually part of supplies for hygiene kits. I was invited to sing along with the Young Women. We sang Learn of Me. It brought back good memories of singing as a youth. The children were so happy. They are really special. When the recieved the Holy Ghost on Sunday at church you good really feel his presence. They all were given special blessings. Hanna, the youngest, who is in my Primary class is such a special girl. I know the Lord has special things in store for her.

Our talks went well. At least we had some good comments to suggest as much. I was overcome emotionally several times. I hope everyone was able to understand me. I want to share a story of something that happened to me on Friday that I shared in my talk. Part of my talk was about sacrifice and remainging faithful.

About 3 weeks ago I won a gift certificate from a radio station for calling in with the correct answer. At that time he told me I was registered to participate in the Lucky 7's game at a nearby casino. I dismissed it because we don't believe in gambling. On Friday, the DJ from the station called to remind me. I told him I probably wouldn't go because I don't gamble. He said all I have to do is pull a card from a deck. I could win either $77, $777, or $7770 dollars. Wow! I spoke to Bruce about it. We talked about the good things we could do with that kind of money for our family. Food storage, school clothes and supplies, etc. The more I thought about it I just didn't feel it was right. It is getting something for nothing. The Holy Ghost couldn't go with me there. I decided not to go. I know that the Lord will fulfill our needs. He always has. I've also decided not to call the radio station for contest anymore.

Sunday after church, we went to Springfield. We had a nice visit with Bruce's family and some good grilled food.

Today I have been busy doing laundery and packing. We leave tomorrow for Branson with the children. We'll come home Thurs. and then the children and I will leave early Fri morning to go to my Mom's. I will drop Patience off at Grandma VanHoose's on Sat. night on my way back home. Busy, Busy.

This evening I had a meeting with the members of the activities commitee from church. We have everything lined out for our Pioneer day Celebration next week and have a good start on the next 3 activities. My Mom called today to say she has also recieved the Activities Leader calling in her ward. She's a bit overwhelmed. She says she wants to ask me a lot of questions while I'm there.

I'd better get some sleep. Good night all. I hope this finds you safe in well in your part of the world.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Avoiding The Dishes

So, I thought I would give an update for the last few days. Anything to avoid the dishes.

We had a fun 4th of July. Our friend, Matt Towns came down and spent the afternoon with us, dinner and watched the fireworks. He served in the same mission as Bruce, except he was Chinese speaking and Bruce was English. It was nice to see him. It had been over a year since we last saw him. The fireworks display was not as good as last year, but it was still fun to be out and sharing our patriotism with so many people.

Yesterday was a slow day. Shopping and working on church responsibilities. Bruce and I are both speaking on Sunday. Plus, we are teaching the second and third hours. Therefore, a talk and two lessons. It has been a busy couple of days. Oh, we had fun at Silver Dollar City. It was very hot.

Tomorrow we will be attending a baptism for 3 young people who are brothers and sisters. One boy and two girls. Hanna, the youngest at 11, is in my primary class. I'm hoping all of the class will be in attendance. I know for sure Tucker will be there because I am giving him a ride. Anyway, I am looking forward to it. I'm conducting the music and saying the opening prayer. Bruce will be leading the ceromony. Well, I better dash. Not too much of an update, but there it is.

Oh, ya, VanHoose family dinner in Springfield on Sunday.

Monday, July 2, 2007

Saluting, dining, and retiring

Friday night the children and I had the opportunity to meet up with my Sister Beth, and her son Johnathan. My children were able to watch 3 flags being taken down for the night and see close to 100 people stand at attention while it was done. Then the kids had a yummy cheeseburger dinner. The adults on the other hand had a real treat. One of the parents of a new child in the cub scout troup is a chef and owns a resturaunt in down town Springfield. He made a great Greek style dish. It was thick pasta noodles with an oliveoil, rosemary, olive, tomato, onion sauce. He also served ceaser salad and bread. The best part though, was the jumbo shrimp skewers he had cooked on the grill. Oh, it was delicious.

After that we were able to witness a flag retirement ceromony. It is where a flag that is old and tattered is destroyed by fire with dignity and respect. It was really special and brought tears to my eyes and a warmth for our country. There was a young man there that is an older sibling for a scout in my Sister's troup who is doing his Eagle Scout project. He has collected over 300 flags to retire. I got him another one today when they replaced the old one here at our complex.

I've got to dash. Lori needs help with some Geneology work.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Real Quick

I thought I would play catch up for the last few days. I have to leave in a few minutes to get the girls and Logan is asleep.

It has been a relatively uneventful week. Yesterday I hosted a baby shower for a lady at church. It is her second child, but first daughter. Lot's of pink stuff. Including a non-edible cake made out of diapers. It turned out really cute. I had fun making it.

Aurora was so excited today because it is her first field trip. She is going to a local air festival and gets to see Jay, Jay the Jetplane. I can't wait to pick her up and see how it went.

Tonight my Sister Beth has invited me to come see her and her youngest son, Johnathan at scout camp. I'm looking forward to it. I haven't been camping or to something like this in probably 13 years or longer. We get out and walk local trails, but that is about the extent of it. We don't get to stay overnigt.

The next few weeks will be fairly busy. On Monday I am watching one of the neighbor girls, Andi for the day. Tuesday I'm going to Silver Dollar City with my children and my friend, Lori, who is legally blind. She's never been. I hope she likes it.
Wednesday is the 4th. Bruce plans on seeing the new Transformers movie that morning and then we'll go as a family that night to see the fireworks. We've invited a friend from Spfld, but haven't heard for sure from him. Lori has never seen the local display so we may take her. On the 11th and 12th we are going to Branson and Silver Dollar City with the kids. On Friday morning, early, I'm driving up to my Mom's with the kids for a small family reunion. We'll come back on the 14th. Busy, Busy.

I've gotta dash.

Monday, June 25, 2007

New Numbers

For the last month, little by little, the numbers on the sign for our apartment complex have been disappearing. It has been frustrating when we've tried to give directions to people because we can't give them directions by our number. Today, new numbers were put up. It was strange how excited I was to see them going up. I pointed it out to the children and everything. Isn't it interesting how numbers define us. Birthdays, IQ's, S.S. #'s, phone numbers, the list goes on and on. Just some rambling thoughts. Have a great day.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Logan Deflates over the Trashman

The trashman comes regularly on Tuesday and Friday mornings here in our complex. For the last year it has become ritual for Logan when he hears the truck to run into our bedroom and look out the south window to watch the dumpster get lifted into the air and bang back down. Today was no different. Logan was sitting on my lap while I read to him. Then, all of a sudden he heard it and jumped off my lap with a grin and a "It's the trashman, Momma." He started down the hall. He was halfway down the hall when I told him to stop. I remembered that Aspen, the little girl I babysit, was asleep in our bedroom. He was obedient and stopped, but he let out a long and heavy sigh. He came back around the love seat with slumping shoulders and a sad look on his face. He walked across the livingroom to the couch and sank face first into the fluffy arm of the couch. It was hard not to laugh at him. He stayed there for a moment then layed himself out on the floor with another sigh. It was about 5 minutes before he was ready to read with me some more.

I realize you might not be able to appreciate it without having been here, but I hope you enjoyed the story just the same.


Thursday, June 21, 2007


Well, for those of you who might be wondering, I did not get the position with Parents as Teachers. They interviewed 14 people to fill 3 positions. I was passed by for people with more education and experience. I realize there are a lot of people with more education, I'm surprised there are people with more experience than I have. Oh, well. There must be something else out there for me. Once I find out that Logan will for sure be in pre-school this fall, I will job hunt more seriously.

For better news, Bruce and I had a great time in Branson. We went shopping on Monday and ate at a very nice resturaunt. It is called, Sullivan's. It had a jazz club atmosphere with red carpet and black table clothes. Very classy. Probably the nicest resturaunt we've ever eaten at. However, it had some tough competition with the place we had dinner at on Tuesday. Tony Z's. A very nice Italian resturaunt. Normally we spend more money on shopping when we go to Branson, but this time we treated ourselves to two very nice meals. We also had pizza and subs on two other ocassions. Tuesday at Silver Dollar City we had Succotash. It was yummy. We did get a good deal at the Onieda store on a new set of 12 stainless steel place settings for $45 dollars. Anyway, we had a lot of fun. Also, may I suggest if you ever have the opportunity to go see Darren Romeo that you take it. It was an excellent music and magic show. We are probably going to go again in July when we go for an overnight as the family.

Anyway, on with my day. Have a great one.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Washed away

We have recieved heavy rain the in Joplin since Sunday night. We had a tornado warning Sunday night. Yesterday morning I got up and straitened my hair and put on a dress for my interview with Parents and Teachers. We went outside to pouring down rain. We got to the school. I pulled up in front of the building. There was a rush of water about 6 inches deep right outside the van door. The big girls were able jump out over it, but not Aurora. I got out of the van, slipped off my sandals. I went around the van and basically tossed her over the water. Needless to say by the time I got to my interview I was damp and my hair was curly, frizzy as usual. I feel like the interview went well. I made a thank you card and took it back over to Patty yesterday. She said she is doing more interviewing on Friday and I should hear from her the first of next week. I'm glad I have a cell phone since we will be out of town next week for 3 days.

We've had more heavy rain and thunder and such this morning. I was out earlier because Aurora and Logan had dentist appointments. NO CAVITIES! Visability was about a block in distance and less at times. Kinda Scary.

My friend Julie who I am growing a garden with at her home, since we are in an apartment, said her back yard looks like a pond. We hope our crops survive.

It's a busy week for us. We feed the missionaries tomorrow. I am going to try my hand at alfredo sauce from scratch. We'll see how it goes. I need to go shopping for Aurora's supplies for hehr birthday party on Saturday. I also need to get everyone packed for next week.

Take care dear ones.

Friday, June 8, 2007

"Sick" Children

Yesterday morning when Patience woke up she said her stomach hurt and she was really hungery. I encouraged her to get ready for school. If she got sick at school I would come get her. Joy didn't want to get out of bed. She ended up getting upset with me. She has a great way of turning her faults back around on me. Anyway, before we made it to school she had shed several tears. I dropped the girls of with my love and headed home. I had just turned onto our street when my cell phone rang. It was Bruce. Joy had just called from school to say her stomach hurt and that she was told she could go home. I told Bruce I was going back to the school and I would take care of it.

I spoke to the principal and explained how Joy is often "sick" even when she is not "sick." I told him if she threw up or ran a fever or whatever, I would be happy to come get her. I told her the same and off she went to class.

I returned home. I got Logan ready to go to the 9:30 story time. We picked up his friend Lily, Julie and Luis's daughter. We got to the Library and got their name tags on and my phone rings again. I went outside to answer it. This time the school had called because Patience had thrown up. I went and got her. She slept for 2 hours and then she got up and ate a lot and was fine the rest of the day. Ahh, the joys of parenthood.

I don't know about any of you, but we got quite the storm last night. Sirens and everything. All 6 of us in the bathroom at midnight. What an adventure.


Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Snack Sack

Yesterday when I picked up the girls from school, Aurora came out carrying a large cloth sack. it was almost as big as her. She is about 38 inches tall. The bag was about 30x24 inches. She had her arm hooked through the handles and it was up on her shoulder. She was so pleased to have the responsibility of bringing snack to her whole class today. I bought her pretzels and sandwich cookies. When we were waiting for the doors to be unlocked this morning she had to take the stuff out and show other children and adults around us.

Joy and Patience are enjoying school pretty well. Joy doens't like playing kick ball. Patience was excited because a good friend of her's from here in the complex started school yesterday in her class, Andrea, but she goes by Ande. Her father asked if I could pick her up in the afternoons and keep her until he get's here at 3:30. Patience and Ande are both excited about that.

12 more days until Bruce and I go on our trip to Branson to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary on the 17th. We are looking forward to the break together. Joy and Logan will be staying in Springfield with Jesse and Becca and Patience and Aurora are staying here with my friend Lori Dempsey.

I better get ready to get the girls. Good day all.


Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Aurora's first day in Jump Start Kindergarten

In the Joplin School District they have during summer school, what is called Jump Start Kindergarten. It is summer school for children who will be in kindergarten in the fall. Even though Aurora isn't 5 yet, she is able to attend. Yesterday as we were unloading to go into the school. Joy was saying how she was scared. "This isn't our normal school, we don't even know the teachers names." Aurora very matter afactly said to her, "I will ask them." That was the end of that. She did great, at least the teachers said so. I asked her what she did. She said, "Activities." I asked her what kind of activities and she said, "I don't know." She showed me what she ate for lunch by pretending to hold a stick and taking pretend bites out of it. I said, "A Corn Dog?" She said, "yes and I ate the hot dog too." She hasn't ever liked hot dogs. It is amazing what you'll try when others are having it too or it is the only thing offered.

Yesterday after school, I took all of the children for a yearly eye exam. Joy and Aurora are both in need of glasses. Joy has what is called Convergence ineficency. The glasses will help, but he is suggesting very expensive visual therapy that her insurance doesn't cover. We are going to seek another opinion. We will be going today to get glasses, though.

Well, I better get on with my day!!!!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Feeling Better


Logan is feeling much better. He slept the better part of Thursday and Friday, but yesterday the fever was gone. We'll be going to church today. Yesterday, Bruce, Logan and I went out to dinner and then went hiking at Wild Cat park. It is a local Audobaun park. It was fun. Lot's of poisin ivy. We had a good shower after that, but knowing my history, I'll be breaking out soon.

Patience and Aurora had fun on Friday at the St. Louis Zoo. When I spoke to them on the phone that night, Aurora told me about the baby elephant with a mohach. My mother told me about a story Aurora made up. She has a 17 year old boyfriend that was going to come stay at our house for 10 sleep overs. My mom told her she thought her father would have something to say about that. At which point Aurora informed her it was pretend. Yikes, what is in store for me.

I'd better get ready for church. Have a great day.

Friday, June 1, 2007

VanHoose Family Update

Hello Family and friends!!!!

I would like to start keeping you updated through this "blog." There is one drawback. We do not have a way to put pictures on here. I hope you will still enjoy this.

Last Saturday, May 26th, Bruce's parents took the kids to the VanHoose family reunion. We stayed here is Joplin because Bruce was in charge of a baptism at church. It is part of his church calling as the Ward Mission Leader. I conducted the music for it. It was a very nice morning.

Afterwards we went and saw Pirates of the Caribean 3 with another couple friend of ours, Julie and Luis Pagan. We had fun. Bruce got on to me for drinking up our Pink Lemonade.:) It was a late celebration for my Birthday on the 25th. Bruce had to work all day on the 25th.

Bruce's parents took Joy home with them for the week. My Mom came and got Patience and Aurora yesterday. They'll all come home on Sunday evening. Mom will stay they night and go back on Monday.

Logan is not feeling well. I took him to Urgent Care last night because he had a high fever, 103.3, and complained of a sore throat and stomach ache. He has slept 16 hours of the last 25 hours. They said it is just a viral thing.

I'm looking forward to a Stake Relief Society Enrichment meeting for Women tomorrow morning at church. This weekend is also a large local 4 states festival. We hope to attend on Saturday if Logan is feeling better and if the rain hold off.

For those of you who don't know, I have a resume in with the Joplin School District to work part-time as a Parent Educator with Parents as Teachers. They should start interviewing next week. The woman doing the interviewing is out of the office until Monday. I hope to hear from her soon. Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers.

Bruce is working hard as usual. He enjoys designing and using his creativity. He also takes each of the children on an indiviual date each month. Sometimes it's just walking the mall or going to the park, but they enjoy that alone time with Daddy.

Well, I better wrap this up. I do have a few pictures that I will post a friend recently took for me. Hopefully our daily routine will not be too boring. My children often say the darndest things. As that happens I'll let you know and I'm sure it will bring a smile.

Take Care-Jennifer