Monday, October 13, 2008

An Update

Hello Everyone,

My work is going well. I am enjoying my visits with the families. It is exciting to see children achieve. Bruce has been a bit concerned with his work. They layed off two people. It is a blessing that it wasn't him. We have been looking for a house, but feel a bit concerned that maybe we should wait a while to see what happens with his work. We are praying about it.

The children are doing well. Everyone is in good health and enjoying school.

This last weekend we went to my Mom's and celebrated her 70th birthday. We had a good turn out. I made a video presentation with pictures from mom's life and quotes she likes.

We have had some sad news from our dear friends, Matt and Jeanne. Jeanne went into early labor and had a still born Sunday morning. We are so sad for them. They are such wonderful people. We pray for their peace.