Sunday, August 31, 2008

A Long Couple of Weeks

On Thursday the 21st, Aurora woke up with a 102 temp. I took her to urgent care and they said she was very ill and I should take her to the ER. I did so and that night around 7pm she went to surgery for her appendix. It was gangrenous, but did not look like it had ruptured. She came home on Saturday. We all went to church on Sunday. She didn't have much of an appetite. She went to school on Tues, Wed, and Thursday. Wednesday night she complained of pain and was weaker than when she left for school. Thursday she didn't want to go to school, but I encouraged her. She went, but that night she wouldn't eat and went to sleep very early. Friday morning we had a follow up appointment with Dr. Dodson, the surgeon. He was a little concerned that she had a low grade temp and no appetite. He said to watch her and see if her temp got higher. By 4pm she was at 100.8. Then after she had a short nap she woke up with 102 temp. I brought her to the ER and they admitted her. They did a CT scan and found an abscess. Yesterday they drained it. She is on a lot of IV antibiotics. They hope that she'll go home tomorrow, late, but it will probably be Tuesday. We have had a lot of prayers and support from family and friends. It is wonderful. I know that Heavenly Father has blessed her. She has been so strong through all of this.

Thanks to all of the prayers and positive thoughts.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

3rd Day-Sick Day

Wouldn't you know it, our third day and Aurora is home sick. I had to go pick her up yesterday at 2:15 because she had vomited. At the same time that I was walking into the school to get her I got a call from Logan's school that he was crying hard about his throat hurting. Needless to say, they were both home with me today. I have three home visits tomorrow, so I'm praying they'll be well for school. Otherwise I will have to sweet talk on Julie to watch them while I work. I was going to say, "the joys of parenthood," but, it is a joy. I wouldn't trade them for anything.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Time does fly

Hello Everyone. I hope you all had a great summer.

School started yesterday. All of the children seem to like their teachers.

Logan has his tonsils and annoids out on the 13th, so he is a little cranky and sore still, but he was so excited about school.

I spent some time in the office yesterday reviewing the files in my case load and preparing for home visits this week. I really don't have a lot of time to write, but wanted everyone to know that we are alive and well.

I'll be in touch again soon.