Monday, June 23, 2008

I Got It!!!!!!

I could just hop right into what I got, but I'll tell the whole story.

I've had my application in for the last 2 months for a possible position with Parents as Teachers. It kind of went back and forth on whether or not Patty would be able to hire another person or not. Bruce has been looking for jobs in and out of Joplin. I saw Patty, the director of PAT, on Thursday morning. I told her maybe she should pull my application from the running because Bruce could get a job out of Joplin. She said, "That's funny, because I was going to call you later and offer you the position." I was shocked. She said, "would you like to pretend like we didn't have this conversation and I'll call you on Monday?" I said yes. We agreed I should talk it over with Bruce and pray about it. We both agreed I should take it. So, I did. I am very excited. I will be in Springfield from July 14-18th for training. I'll probably stay with my Brother-in-law and his family.

I just wanted to share the good news. I know there are many of you that have prayed for me and kept good thoughts for me to get this position. I really appreciate it.

Love to all,

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

I hope this works. I've never tried to post a link before. Check out
I saw this on my friends blog. See if you can figure out my wordle.

title="Wordle: Anniversary"> src=""
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"

Friday, June 13, 2008

Putting off

Well, I've been putting off updating our blog because it has been so long. Let's see, where to begin.

So I really need to add the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer to my favorite books list. I have read the current 3 twice. Bruce got them for me for mothers day/birthday. The fourth book is on order from my mother to come in August.

The company Bruce interviewed with in Webb City hired someone else. He never heard from them personally, we heard it through the grape vine. He applied online today with Orielly in Springfield. I am fine with change. I'll go where ever the Lord wants us. Change is harder for Bruce. I do think there would be a lot of happy people in Springfield if we moved back. I have to say though, if we do leave Joplin, I have a gut feeling we would never return to live. Who knows?

School let out on the 29th of May. Joy and Patience both received medals for reading (AR points). All three girls had good report cards.

We were very happy to receive Aurora's test results from the Gifted Program. She was accepted and will be going in the fall. Joy is a bit sad about not getting in. We have been pointing out her positives. My mother sent her a card and told her not to be jealous of her sisters. Honestly, I know that jealousy is not a healthy thing to do, but if I were in her shoes, I would probably have a personal pitty party. (a short one any way).

There was a baptism on May 31st. It was for a sister by the name of Yolanda. It was a very spiritually uplifting ceremony. I gave the talk on baptism. I was happy to have the opportunity to participate. I am her visiting teacher. We had hoped to have her help with the food last night at Enrichment, but she was ill. I spoke to her today and she is feeling much better. That please me. The power of the priesthood can be a miraculous thing.

The three girls have been going to summer school. Not because they need it, but mainly because I was working. I have changed my work location to the South Y. There is more for children there. Joy and Patience are at that middle stage where they are too big for the nursery, but not big enough to use the equipment. However, during the summer at south there is "swim gym." The children are looking forward to that.

I'm dozing off. I better close for now.