Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Snack Sack

Yesterday when I picked up the girls from school, Aurora came out carrying a large cloth sack. it was almost as big as her. She is about 38 inches tall. The bag was about 30x24 inches. She had her arm hooked through the handles and it was up on her shoulder. She was so pleased to have the responsibility of bringing snack to her whole class today. I bought her pretzels and sandwich cookies. When we were waiting for the doors to be unlocked this morning she had to take the stuff out and show other children and adults around us.

Joy and Patience are enjoying school pretty well. Joy doens't like playing kick ball. Patience was excited because a good friend of her's from here in the complex started school yesterday in her class, Andrea, but she goes by Ande. Her father asked if I could pick her up in the afternoons and keep her until he get's here at 3:30. Patience and Ande are both excited about that.

12 more days until Bruce and I go on our trip to Branson to celebrate our 10 year wedding anniversary on the 17th. We are looking forward to the break together. Joy and Logan will be staying in Springfield with Jesse and Becca and Patience and Aurora are staying here with my friend Lori Dempsey.

I better get ready to get the girls. Good day all.


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