Hello Family and Friends-
Well, we had a fairly uneventful Saturday. We did have the privilege of going to a baptism. It was very nice. The children forgot to bring towels so they had to dry off with hand towels from the Relief Society Closet that were actually part of supplies for hygiene kits. I was invited to sing along with the Young Women. We sang Learn of Me. It brought back good memories of singing as a youth. The children were so happy. They are really special. When the recieved the Holy Ghost on Sunday at church you good really feel his presence. They all were given special blessings. Hanna, the youngest, who is in my Primary class is such a special girl. I know the Lord has special things in store for her.
Our talks went well. At least we had some good comments to suggest as much. I was overcome emotionally several times. I hope everyone was able to understand me. I want to share a story of something that happened to me on Friday that I shared in my talk. Part of my talk was about sacrifice and remainging faithful.
About 3 weeks ago I won a gift certificate from a radio station for calling in with the correct answer. At that time he told me I was registered to participate in the Lucky 7's game at a nearby casino. I dismissed it because we don't believe in gambling. On Friday, the DJ from the station called to remind me. I told him I probably wouldn't go because I don't gamble. He said all I have to do is pull a card from a deck. I could win either $77, $777, or $7770 dollars. Wow! I spoke to Bruce about it. We talked about the good things we could do with that kind of money for our family. Food storage, school clothes and supplies, etc. The more I thought about it I just didn't feel it was right. It is getting something for nothing. The Holy Ghost couldn't go with me there. I decided not to go. I know that the Lord will fulfill our needs. He always has. I've also decided not to call the radio station for contest anymore.
Sunday after church, we went to Springfield. We had a nice visit with Bruce's family and some good grilled food.
Today I have been busy doing laundery and packing. We leave tomorrow for Branson with the children. We'll come home Thurs. and then the children and I will leave early Fri morning to go to my Mom's. I will drop Patience off at Grandma VanHoose's on Sat. night on my way back home. Busy, Busy.
This evening I had a meeting with the members of the activities commitee from church. We have everything lined out for our Pioneer day Celebration next week and have a good start on the next 3 activities. My Mom called today to say she has also recieved the Activities Leader calling in her ward. She's a bit overwhelmed. She says she wants to ask me a lot of questions while I'm there.
I'd better get some sleep. Good night all. I hope this finds you safe in well in your part of the world.