Thursday, January 15, 2009

Stuff with the kids

Last week we got report cards. Everyone is doing pretty well. Joy has strait A's. Aurora had all satisfactory marks, but her handwriting needs improvement. That doesn't exactly surprise me when I look at my own handwriting. Patience has all A's and two B's and one D. The D came as a shock. I guess there was a paper she was to turn in before Christmas vacation and she didn't. This has been a life lesson for her. We had her complete the assignment even if she wasn't going to get points for it. Her teacher told me at the PTO meeting on Monday that she would give her partial points since it was very late. I thought that was fair.

Logan has his first school performance tonight. His class is singing Cuppycake, a snowman song, and possibly Yankee doodle. The cuppycake song is precious. You can youtube it.

It is only suppose to get in the low 20's today. I really wish I could wear sweats to work.
I guess that is enough rambling for the day.

Love to all,

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