Saturday, January 12, 2008

Good Grades

OK-So I am going to be a shameless mother for a moment and brag on my children. Please forgive my moment of pride.

Grade cards came home this week for 2nd Quarter. Joy and Patience both have strait A's. Aurora is meeting or exceeding expectations in her studies. Logan and Aurora are both close to reaching the goals that have been set for them from their speech therapist. We are very pleased.

Today I worked in the morning and then I caught up with Bruce, Joy and Patience and some other people who were working in a group to help with the debris clean up from our ice storm. There is still a lot of yards that need to be done. It was nice to put a smile on the face of an older, single, lady.

Parents as Teachers is hiring again. My Parent Educator, Ms. Elizabeth is moving to Texas at the end of the month and they want to fill her position in the next 3 weeks. I'm going to update my resume this week end, or it would be more realistic to say Bruce is going to do it for me. Graphic designer that he is.

Well, there's not much else to say. My eyelids are getting heavy.. Have a great weekend!


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