Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Way Behind

Hello Everyone! I apologize. I am way behind on keeping up with our blog. We have had a lot of illness and snow days over the last 3 weeks. Between snow days and holidays, the kids went 3 weeks without going a full week to school. Plus, Patience missed 3 days with the flu and Aurora missed 4 with a viral infection. Bruce missed 3 days of work with the flu. That is absolutely unheard of for him. I've never seen him that ill before. It was very sad for me to watch. He still has a pretty bad cough. Joy had an ear infection, but didn't miss any school over it. Logan and I, despite being around kids with colds at the YMCA and our sick people at home, managed to stay well. Thank goodness. I'm well, but I haven't had a good kiss from my husband in over 2 weeks because he's afraid to make me ill.

Everything else is going well. I'm having a Pampered Chef party on Saturday. I'm looking forward to it. I better run.

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