According to the rules of this tagging game, I'm now supposed to discuss five things that I am compulsive/obsessive/somewhat disturbingly over-analytical about and then award the "Fabulous Award" to a handful of other blogging friends.
1. I have to have a picture of Jesus Christ in our home. Preferably every room.
2. I like to be barefoot. If I can't be barefoot I want flip flops and if I can't wear flip flops I like open healed shoes.
3. My children are often annoyed by this, but I really don't like stuff on the floor in the living room, actually, all rooms. However, my shoes are often out in my room, but they better not be in their rooms. :)
4. I wouldn't say I am compulsive or obsessive about this, except in not liking it. My least favorite household chore is dusting. Bless Logan for volunteering this morning. He even picked stuff up and dusted underneath. He earned a chip for that.
I don't know if I can state a fifth. I worry a lot, but I don't have specifics that I obsess about. I guess I could list a few things and we can call them number 5....
I like music playing when I clean. I like church music on when getting ready for church. I prefer only church music, classical or Christmas music on Sundays. I put my pants on first, usually, when dressing. I put my right shoe on first. I like to brush my teeth early in the evening to discourage me from eating too late. I do not like carbonation, but will drink it in punch. I drink a lot of water. I am a half hearted cleaner. I prefer milk chocolate over dark, but will eat both if offered. Chocolate is chocolate.
I could rattle on some more, but I won't. Hopefully you have learned something about me you didn't know. Good night and Merry Christmas!
Being Patriotic. In JCPenney's.
11 years ago